
Anti-Human Trafficking


$249 Enroll

Full program description

Anti-Human Trafficking: Widening The Lens is a new, 6-week certificate offered at Claremont Lincoln University. If your desire is to be a source of positive social change, then tackling the issue of human trafficking is an essential step…

What’s the problem? Human trafficking is a form of slavery. Each year, there are approximately 600,000 to 800,000 victims trafficked across international borders throughout the world. The U.S. government estimates that between 14,500 and 17,500 of those victims are trafficked into the United States (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2017). Millions more are subject to American inter-state trafficking. Traffickers are often violent individuals who use force, fraud or coercion to enslave their victims. The grooming process for victims often includes rape, physical abuse, starvation, confinement, beatings, forced drug use, and threats to both the victim and the victim’s family.

You are the solution: CLU has designed a certificate to introduce you to the issue of human trafficking, how to identify when and to whom it is happening, and learn strategies to intervene or prevent it from happening. Each week, you will learn about human trafficking through engaging videos, informative articles, discussion forums, and essay writing. At the conclusion of the course you will have the tools and knowledge to be an advocate for anti-human trafficking and be a resource for those being trafficked.

By the end of the course you will know:

  • What is human trafficking?
  • How does human trafficking occur?
  • What is the extent of human trafficking?
  • What is currently being done to address human trafficking?
  • How can I create change regarding the issue of human trafficking?